Group Project

Critter Chronicles

  • Role: Programmer

    Date: May 2022

    Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 & 2019, PS4 SDK, PS4 Dev kits, ORBIS Documentation, GitHub, Unity, Visual Studio Code, Trello, Photoshop, Blender, 3ds Max, ZBrush.

    Techniques: C++, OpenGL, JSON, C#.

  • Critter Chronicles thumbnail

About the project: This is an openworld exploration game where the player must investigate a section of a planet that has once been explored and find any creatures within that vicinity and take photographs of them so they can take it back to the command ship and decide from there if they are able to survive on that planet.
This game project was a prototype designed to run on the PlayStation 4 development kits built using a custom game engine built from the ground up by the programmers.

My Involvement: I was one of the programmers on this project. I worked on a couple of systems for our game engine and collaborated with the other team member on other systems. I mainly worked on the level editor, sound engine and game object importation.


  • Critter Chronicles design document thumbnail
    Critter Chronicles Design Doc

    A design document for the project containing the game concepts and more.

    View Document



Note: Due to the nature of the project the code is node available to share under the Academic Development Agreement which does not permit to share the code of the PS4 publicly.


Volt Puzzle

  • Role: Game Developer

    Date: May 2021

    Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, Web browser (Microsoft Edge), Photoshop, Github

    Techniques: c#, Javascript, MVC framework, .Net Core, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery

  • volt Puzzle project thumbnail

About the project: This is a puzzle game where the player is tasked with connecting circuit nodes from the left (Charge Nodes) to the circuit nodes on the right (Receiver Nodes) to match the result to the target value before the time runs out. This game project was inspired by a particular section from the massively popular game GTA V online from their latest Cayo Perico update where the player is tasked with hacking a circuit box as part of their mission.

My Involvement: I was tasked with developing a web based game


The project documents are still in the works. Coming in a timely manner.

In the mean time you can check out the videos and images about the project.



Click Here to play Volt Puzzle


Space Shooter

  • Role: Programmer

    Date: May 2021

    Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

    Techniques: C++, DirectX 11

  • A thumbnail for the SpaceShooter game

About the project: This is a tech demo of a space shooter game where the player controls a ship and shoots down the asteroids that are falling from space. The demo also features controller and keyboard & mouse support for the ship controls.

My Involvement: I was tasked with developing a tech demo of a game using C++ and DirectX 11.


  • SpaceShooter Design Doc thumbnail
    SpaceShooter Design Doc

    A design document for the project containing a flow chart and a test plan.

    View Document




Video Project on Github Here:


Download Project Executable Here:

Disclaimer: Only runs on PCs (no consoles or mobile)

Click Here to Access the project



  • Role: Programmer

    Date: April 2021

    Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, Paint 3D

    Techniques: C++, SFML Graphics Library

  • A thumbnail for the Pong Game

About the project: This is a pong game where two players play against each other. The player on the left uses W and S keys to move up and down, and the player on the right uses Up and Down arrow keys to do the same. The first player to reach the score of 5 points wins the game.

My Involvement: I was tasked with developing a pong game using C++ and the SFML Graphics library.


  • Pong Design Doc thumbnail
    Pong Design Doc

    A design document containing a UML diagram for the game, a flow chart and a test plan.

    View Document




Video Project on Github Here:


Download Project Executable Here:

Disclaimer: Only runs on PCs (no consoles or mobile)

Click Here to Access the project

Group Project

Goblin Rush

  • Members: One game designer, two game artists and one game programmer

    Role: Game Programmer

    Date: February 2021

    Tools: Unreal 4.26, Autodesk 3DS Max, Substance painter, Blender, Photoshop, Trello, Discord, Github, Google Drive

    Techniques: C++, Unreal Game Engine, Unreal blueprints

  • Goblin Rush project thumbnail

About the game: Goblin Rush is a go-kart-style racing game inspired by the likes of the Mario kart series and fall guys. The game combines Mario Kart racing with fall guys physics and sees two players race against each other as goblins driving mine cart in a split-screen multiplayer style.

My Involvement: I was the programmer on the Goblin Rush project. I worked on the vehicle movement, the sound programming implementing the theme song into the game, the multiplayer element of the game. I also worked on the main menu and pause menu user interface.

Note: This is just a prototype.

Click Here to download Goblin Rush Game Demo

Math Application

3D House

  • Role: Applying matrices

    Date: November 2020

    Tools: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word

    Techniques: Matrices, 3D transformation, perspective projection

  • 3D House project thumbnail

About the project: This project was exploring plotting a house in excel using 3D matrices, projecting the house, and applying transformation matrices to produce different effects on the house and to view it from different angles.

My Involvement: I worked out the 3d coordinates of the house (on paper) and added the coordinates to a spreadsheet and then converted the coordinates into matrices. After that, I added a perspective projection matrix and then applied transformation matrices to the house's matrices.


  • project worksheet card thumbnail
    Project Worksheet

    The project worksheet for the 3D house modal.

    View Worksheet
  • project report card thumbnail
    Project Report

    Report outlining different components of the project.

    View Document



Math Application

2D Vehicle

  • Role: Applying Matrices

    Date: November 2020

    Tools: Microsoft Execel, Desmos, Microsoft Word

    Techniques: Matrices, 2D transformation

  • 2D Vehicle project thumbnail

About the project: This project was exploring plotting a vehicle in a spreadsheet using 2D matrices and applying transformation matrices to produce different effects on the vehicle.

My Involvement: I plotted the vehicle's coordinates using Desmos (an advanced graphing calculator) and imported the coordinates into a spreadsheet and then converted the coordinates into matrices. After that, I applied transformation matrices to the vehicles matrices and used the obtained matrices to plot the vehicle on a graph in the spreadsheet.


  • project worksheet card thumbnail
    Project Worksheet

    The project worksheet of the 2D vehicle modal.

    View Worksheet
  • project report card thumbnail
    Project Report

    Report outlining different components of the project.

    View Document



Group Project


  • Members: One game designer, three game artists and two game programmers

    Role: Game Programmer

    Date: April 2020

    Tools: Unity 2018, Photoshop and Github

    Techniques: C#, Unity Game Engine

  • Drakaero project thumbnail

About the game: Drakaero follows the story of a young woman, born from a long line of dragon riders, a rare commodity in the kingdom warriors, who are born with special gifts that allow them to tame and harness a dragon. They can also communicate and understand dragons. Even rarer, however, is one that is female. She joined the military with mixed reception, many were not confident that she could keep up with the high workload, not to mention her taboo birth brought her unnecessary harassment; but after many years of prejudice and judgement, she quickly climbed up the ranks to become one of the kingdoms most affluent warriors. Her prideful role at the top of the ranks now hangs in the balance, as the king has sent her on her most dangerous mission yet, to prove herself worthy of being one of the king's guards. Some would call this mission suicide, but for her, it was the chance she needed to prove all that doubted her wrong and reclaim the pride of her race.

My Involvement: I was one of the two programmers on the Drakaero project. I was tasked with working on the enemies, their movement, shooting and health mechanics. After that, I worked on the sound programming implementing the theme song into the game. I also worked on the main menu user interface.

Note: This is an early build concept and it does not include final pieces of the artists' work.

Click Here to download Drakaero Game Demo


Nicholas Paterson Art

  • Client: Nicholas Paterson

    Role: Designer and Developer

    Date: July 2019

    Tools: Sublime text 3, Netlify and Github

    Techniques: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, PHP, SQL

  • Nicholas Paterson Art website

About the website: A website for a visual artist, to showcase his artworks. Mr Paterson mainly lives in Thailand, but when he had to travel for a job in Togo he was forced to leave many of his artwork in Thailand sice constantly moving them may cause damage to the artworks. The website will enable him to collect all his artworks together and post them online which allow people to access his artworks easily. It will be easier for him as well to access his artworks when he had travelled abroad.

My Involvement: I was tasked with designing, developing and publishing the website. I designed the website and showed the client to see the features he would like to add or remove. When the client was satisfied with the design, I moved on to implementation stage. I built the website and ocassionally showed my client the progress to see what he liked so far or what he didn't like. After the website was ready, I published it using Github and Netlify.

Click Here to visit the website


Project Porticullis: An Unreal based class project

  • Role: Modelling and animating assets and exporting them into Unreal engine 4

    Date: December 2019

    Tools: 3ds Max 2018 and Unreal Engine 4

    Techniques: Modelling, animation, Unreal blueprints

  • Unreal based class project

About the project: This was a class project exploring modelling and animating game assets in 3ds Max and exporting the assets into Unreal Engine 4.

My Involvement: I modelled a medieval porticullis and the wheel used to open the porticullis gate using 3ds Max 2018, then exported the assets into unreal engine 4


An personal neon sign project in Blender 3d

  • Role: Modelling a neon sign

    Date: December 2019

    Tools: Blender 2.81

    Techniques: modelling, animation, rendering

  • Neon Sign Project in Blender

About the project: This project was exploring modelling neon signs and rendering using blender's cycle engine in blender 2.81.

My Involvement: I modelled the neon sign using blender 2.81 and rendered an animation using Blender's cycle engine and made a video usign Blender video editting tool.

Click Here to view the project on Artstation

Written task

LSEPI Analysis

  • Role: Writter

    Date: November 2019

    Tools: microsoft word

    Techniques: writting, critical analysis, discussing, referencing

  • LSEPI Analysis

About the project: Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues (LSEPI) project analysis report. A class task that aims to test your understanding and ability to discuss legal, social, ethical and professional issues in a select project.

Click Here to open the written report

IB Internal Assessment

Math Exploration

  • Role: Writer and Explorer

    Date: April 2019

    Tools: Desmos, Microsoft Word

    Techniques: Writting, analysis, exploration, Math application, trigonometry, math functions, referencing

  • Math Exploration project thumbnail

About the project: This project was exploring the use of mathematical functions to sketch art. I used computer-aided design software - namely Desmos which is an advanced graphing calculator - to combine mathematical functions that make up different curved lines that will connect to form a figure of a camel.



Click Here to view the project on Desmos



  • Role: drawing and painting

    Date: February 2019

    Tools: Acrylic paints, paint brushes, paper and pencils

    Technique: Acrylic painting

  • Medusa painting

About the project: An acrylic painting of the legend of Medusa. Medusa is sitting in front of a mirror staring at a reflection of herself before she turned into a gorgon. She is surrounded by statues of soldiers she has turned. The use of dull colours portrays how lonelyness and isolation, and the light highlights the reflection of the inocent girl she was.

Click Here to view the painting on Artstation


Man Evolution

  • Role: drawing and painting

    Date: December 2018

    Tools: Acrylic paints, paint brushes, paper and pencils

    Technique: Acrylic painting

  • Man Evolution painting

About the project: An Acrylic painting portraying a hypothetical man evolution modal with 3 additional imaginary stages.

Click Here to view the painting on Artstation


Boy to Butterfy Metamarphosis

  • Role: drawing and painting

    Date: May 2018

    Tools: water colours, water, paint brushes, water colour paper and pencils

    Technique: Water colour painting

  • Boy to Butterfy Metamarphosis

About the project: A water colour painting showing metamarphosis of a boy transforming into a butterfly hovering over water

Click Here to view the painting on Artstation